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Sphere - Las Vegas rocked: U2 live show showcases disguise's state-of-the-art technology

The world's most talked about live concert "U2: UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere" showcases disguise's software and hardware technology in Las Vegas.

The unrivaled Las Vegas venue featured the world's largest 16K x 16K pixel LED screen, showcasing over two hours of spectacular visual content created by artists such as Treatment Studio, including Es Devlin, John Gerrard and Marco Brambilla, presented to the audience in a previously unseen resolution and scale.

disguise continues the long-standing partnership with Fuse Technical Group and U2, which began with the band's 2005 "Vertigo Tour" and continued with the groundbreaking "U2: UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere". Often, an important part of the task is to rationalize the rendering time. Initially, render times for some sequences were calculated to be as high as 15 minutes per frame (roughly two weeks of rendering for every minute of footage), which was clearly unacceptable. Brandon Kraemer, the technical lead at Treatment Studio, worked with Smasher Desmedt, disguise and Fuse to create a workable workflow for the artists.

In addition, they created a system that integrates about 23 gx 3 media servers. This provided the required resolution (disguise mainly runs 12K x 12K) and also gave them all the camera integration and image processing they are used to on tour. This feat alone is worthy of a Nobel Prize.